Why is safety the default for so many marketers?

If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative. -Woody Allen

In Trinidad and Tobago we are not so safe on the roads.  We save our safety for our business decisions.  So in marketing we are far more likely to go for price parity or lower prices than a price premium.  We lack the confidence or are not brave enough to offer our brand at a higher price because it deserves to be given what we have put into it.

It’s the same with our advertising.  We dumb it down to the least common denominator so by the time we are finished with it we have squeezed every ounce of originality and freshness out of it.  How often have we said or heard that “people will not get it”.  So we go down Literal Avenue with our words and our images, because we want people to get it.

The thing is they don’t even see it far less get it.  If status quo is all you send their way, then they are not disturbed and you fade into the background.

So charge more or a lot less for your brand.  Be the first to promote and engage your brand only online and throw away traditional media.  Have your supermarket do home delivery.  Have your supermarket be the first to also offer dry cleaning.

Move out of Safety Town.