Sampling your product to death…


We’ve all seen it.  The $15 an hour temp, with the branded T shirt, standing behind the decorated table, handing out samples.  I must say that we have improved in T&T in this area.  Most samplers are pleasant, know something about the product and who makes or distributes it.

And we are still a long way from where we need to be.  Close your eyes and try to remember one stand out sampling experience you’ve had.  I think most people will draw a blurr or a blank.

I think part of the problem is the language and the word ‘sampling.’  It may connote experimenting or trying out and we want to make a more positive association for our brand.  The liquor guys understand this that’s why Jack Daniels go through the expense of including a Harley in their set, and no Harley is complete without a bevy of beauties.  So gone are the days when they serve the JD and coke in a dry and boring way.  This helps them deliver the brand positioning through product performances that are memorable and that people talk about. (like me in this blog)

So bring some theatre to your brand.  Indulge all the senses. (sight, sound, touch and taste)  And make your brand stand out from a sea of samplers. dr