The art of the beg. Fundraising made simple.

In every group there’s always that one person on the Fundraising Committee who knows how to beg.  That would be me.

Here’s 15 things that have worked for me:

  1. Have a clear goal. If you don’t know what you’re begging for in terms of quality and quantity then you won’t know who to target
  2. Aim higher than your goal.  You will get some no’s so you need to build in some insurance and buffer
  3. Send the proverbial “letter” but follow up with a call or a personal visit to tell of the event and make the beg
  4. Give your targets at least a month’s notice before the event (e-mail letter) and circle back 2 weeks before the event
  5. Remember to use your school network. Some of your friends are now in decision making positions
  6. Get to people you don’t know through friends who know them = Friend of a friend network
  7. Offer the donor to advertise at the event (e.g. banner), if that is appropriate
  8. Try to find donors who are not high profile because everyone goes to high profile donors and thus they are over subscribed
  9. Don’t only think of physical products and cash.  You can also get support in kind e.g. media advertising, vouchers and company branded materials
  10. Send some pictures from the events showing how the donor’s product was used.  You’re sure to stand out from the crowd for this
  11. Get other committee members to help collect stuff once you receive the commitment. That way you are sharing some of the burden
  12. Say thank you in every communication and say thank you again after the event. You can’t say thank you too often
  13. If appropriate send an invitation to donors to attend the event and follow this up with a call
  14. Offer donors to sample and promote their products/services at the event if appropriate
  15. Build a network of donors so you don’t ask the same people for help on your various projects