8 things we can innovate in T&T Carnival.

  1. Live streaming of all shows for free.  It’s the best call card we could hand out and the payback is people will visit to experience the real thing.  I mean top quality Live Streaming and an appropriate ad campaign to get the word out on its availability to the world
  2. Steelband and Traditional Mas Monday.  We give the QPS and Skinner Park to Steelbands and Traditional Mas on Carnival Monday and we set up steelbands on mobile floats that are suitably amplified
  3. No more competitions.  Now that’s a crazy idea especially for Pan.  How do replace the price money that bands salivate for and need to survive?  Is competition killing pan?
  4. Undertake a major study on whose coming to Carnival and how much they are spending so as to quantify it economic value and to influence future planning
  5. Use overseas judges for everything to address perception of bias
  6. Make Tobago the Trinidad Carnival ‘after party’ venue with major events from Ash Wednesday and including ‘sun, sea and sand’ positioning
  7. Train locals on turning their homes into ‘bed and breakfast’ havens
  8. Stop Government funding of private “for profit” companies.  If their ideas are good they will survive and thrive.