15 brands in T&T. 15 points of difference.

The single most important thing for any brand to have is a point of difference.  ‘Miss Kanhai’ Roti on the Western Main Road,  St James, has customers for decades on account of the fact that she serves Dosti roti.  I have had ‘Kanhai roti’ from a grandmother, a mother , a daughter and now a great grand daughter; four generations of dosti and they never attended marketing school, but they get it.  They understand that to stand out from a sea of dhalpurie, ship dosti is their best sail.

Here’s the word I think that 15 more brands in T&T own (some are trying to change):

  1. Mario’s = Cheddar
  2. KFC = Chicken
  3. Golden Ray = Creole
  4. Crix = Saviour
  5. Lok Jack GSB = Rolex
  6. Carib = Establishment
  7. Stag = Anti-establishment
  8. Angostura = Bitters
  9. Coca Cola = Happiness
  10. TTMF = ‘Small man’
  11. Peardrax = Christmas
  12. Linda’s = Fresh
  13. Movie Towne = Fun
  14. Courts = Value

and one more…

15. Pepper = Strategy (Own One Thing)

How do you find your word?  Draw two circles and where they intersect that’s your point of difference.  One circle has all the attributes that are important to customers.  The other has all the things you are really good at.  Find something that’s common to both circles and not yet owned by a competitor and that’s your one thing.